
How does my HEART look?

Rasul Allah, sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam, said,
"Verily, Allah
does not look at your appearance or your possessions; rather He
looks at your heart and your deeds."

- Saheeh Muslim

[Lessons from this Hadith]
In our daily lives, most people measure each other by their
looks or their possessions (their car, their homes, etc.).

The One we MUST impress is Allah, and that is done with a clean
forgiving heart, and with righteous deeds.

For the next seven days, ask yourself throughout the day, "How
can I clean my heart now even more?"

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Bear in Mind

"Keep Allah in mind & You'll find Him in front of you, get acquainted with Allah in days of ease & He'll know you in days of distress.Know that what missed you could not have hit you & what bit you,could not have missed you.Know that victory comes with patience,relief follow distress,ease follow hardship. ~RasululAllah S.A.W