
I SEE what pleases ME

Rasul Allah, sal Allah alayhi wa sallam, said, "A believing man
should not hate a believing woman. If he dislikes one of her
characteristics, he will be pleased with (her other
- Sahih Muslim, Hadith 705

[Lessons from this Hadith]
Focus on what's positive! That which is positive is infinite,
and in focusing on it, we are focusing on that which will bring
joy to our life.

For the next seven days, ask yourself this question at the end of
each day, "What are 10 beautiful things that happened to me

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Bear in Mind

"Keep Allah in mind & You'll find Him in front of you, get acquainted with Allah in days of ease & He'll know you in days of distress.Know that what missed you could not have hit you & what bit you,could not have missed you.Know that victory comes with patience,relief follow distress,ease follow hardship. ~RasululAllah S.A.W