
SMILE. You are on CAMERA

Abdullah ibn Haarith, radi Allahu 'anhu, said, "I have never
seen any one who smiled more then Allah's Messenger." Sal Allahu
alayhi wa sallam.

[Lessons from this Hadith]
Try this: with a big sloppy smile, tell your friend "I hate
you!". You will notice that they start laughing. Why? Because
your body is speaking louder then your words. Win the hearts of
people by following the example of Allah's Messenger, sal Allahu
alayhi wa sallam. Smile! The angels got you on camera.

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Bear in Mind

"Keep Allah in mind & You'll find Him in front of you, get acquainted with Allah in days of ease & He'll know you in days of distress.Know that what missed you could not have hit you & what bit you,could not have missed you.Know that victory comes with patience,relief follow distress,ease follow hardship. ~RasululAllah S.A.W