
Sabr or Shukr--The Worry Stops Here

by: Muhammad al-Shareef

Ali radhiAllaahu 'anhu said,
“Verily Sabr is to Eeman what the head is to the body. When the head is cut off, the body falls. (He then raised his voice) Verily there is no Eeman for he who has no Sabr (patience).”

There are three types of Sabr that the Muslim must have:
a. Sabr in the obedience of Allah. For example, One must be patient and perform their Fajr at it’s time.
b. Sabr in not disobeying Allah. Like someone might say, “I have to listen to music in the car.” No you are command by He who gave you those ears to not listen to those lullabies of the Devil. And you must have Sabr in not disobeying Allah.
c. Sabr in what Allah Decrees on us. For example, if our child was to pass away we should be patient and seek the reward of Allah in our patience and say only that which is pleasing to Allah.

There are two keys. If we understand them we shall open the door to Sabr in our lives:
The First Key: Know that our souls, families and wealth do not belong to us, they belong to Allah. He gave it to us as a loan to see what we would do with it. And when he takes it back He is taking back what belongs to Him. We had nothing before the blessing and we’ll have nothing after it. We did not create the blessing from nothing, so how can we claim that it belongs to us.
The Second Key: We are on a journey and the destination is the hereafter – Paradise or Hell. We’ll be leaving the Dunya behind us and we’ll come back to Allah by ourselves. This is what needs our focus. And if Allah is pleased with us then no worry. If He is not pleased with us then all worry.

Let me draw your attention to a verse. Listen carefully. Allah revealed:
Guard strictly the (five obligatory) prayers, especially the middle Salaah (prayer) and stand before Allah in obedience. [Qur'an 2:238]
The verses before this deal with divorce. The verses after it deal with divorce. Why was this verse placed in the middle? The Ulama’ (Islamic scholars) have suggested, Wa Allaahu a’lam (and Allah knows best), that in the hard times that a person goes through they should not forget the remembrance of Allah, the Salaah. And it is that Salaah coupled with Sabr that will pull them through.
O you who believe! Seek Help in Patience and Salaah. Truly, Allah is with those that are patient. [Qur'an 2:153]
There is good news for those who intend to act on their Sabr. Allah promised them three things: His prayer for them, His Mercy, and their guidance.
Who, when afflicted with calamity say,
“Truly, to Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return.”
They are those on whom the Salawat (the blessing and forgiveness) of their Lord is upon them, and who shall receive His Mercy, and it is they who are the guided ones [Qur'an 2:157]
Allah says:
And We made from among them leaders, giving guidance under Our Command, when they were patient. [Qur'an 32:24]
Sufyan ibn Uyaynah commented,
“i.e. When they took hold of the leading issue, we made them leaders!”

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Bear in Mind

"Keep Allah in mind & You'll find Him in front of you, get acquainted with Allah in days of ease & He'll know you in days of distress.Know that what missed you could not have hit you & what bit you,could not have missed you.Know that victory comes with patience,relief follow distress,ease follow hardship. ~RasululAllah S.A.W